OK… You’ve just made the smart move and created your first Adsense account… But how on earth do you place the adsense into your content websites?
The great thing about Google Adsense is that they (Google Adsense) make this part extremely easy for you unlike a lot of other scripts that almost require a degree to place together!
However, to make the process much easier for you to place your Google Adsense on your content websites I will give you the quickest possible guide on how to create and add the Google Adsense to your websites here in this article.
Here are the 10 easy steps to creating and adding your Google Adsense to your websites ….
Step One. Log into your Google Adsense Account
Step Two. Click on “Adsense Setup”
Step Three: Click on “Adsense for Content”
Step Four: Click on “add Unit” use the scroll button to go to “text only ads” (unless you want image ads on your website) then click on “Continue”
Step Five: Go to “Format” and choose which format you want. Do you want the skyscraper ad? The leader board ad? Square shaped ads? Once you’ve shown one then move on to step six
Step Six: Choose your coloring
Step Seven: Decide whether you want to track your ads or choose alternate ads (if you’re not sure, you can leave this on the default for now until you learn more)
Step Eight: Click continue to get your code
Step Nine: Copy & paste your code
Step Ten: Paste the Google Adsense code into the website you want it to appear at. Upload your webpage.
That’s it! You’re done.
Websites are being created everyday, using this growing phenomenon to their advantage, Google created Google AdSense. Google AdSense is a tool that anyone who owns a website can utilize. It is a simple process and the monetary reward can be limitless. With Google AdSense a company’s money making possibilities can increase exponentially.
This program is ideal for any website owner and it is a great incentive for those who don’t own a website to consider creating one. Whether a website enjoys the benefits of high traffic or a smaller scale viewing, utilizing Google AdSense does not cost the user a penny. It is simply an added money generating tool that can only benefit the user. There is no start-up fee, no hidden monthly costs, just a simple straightforward program that can help the user and Google make money!
Google AdSense is a great way to generate extra income even while you are away, for example, on vacation. You do not have to do anything more than set up a website and ensure that you have a steady flow of viewer traffic. This is why AdSense is ideal for blogging websites. A blogger can simply post a few articles and let the ads on the page generate a monetary return. And, the more a blogger posts, the more possible viewer traffic, you can imagine the great earning potential.
How does it work? To utilize Google AdSense simply visit Google’s website and create an AdSense account. Within a few days, you will be notified whether your account has been accepted or denied. If your account has been accepted, you can then utilize your “AdSense for content” publisher id number which looks something like this ca-pub-9187111800071908. This id number acts to populate your website with Google ads and every time a viewer of your page clicks on an ad, you receive a percentage of what Google earns.
Two things to be aware of when using Google AdSense Though the benefits of using Google AdSense are limitless, Google does use discretion and does not give an AdSense account to all website users. If they do not approve of your website’s company, subject matter, or services, for example your account request can be denied. Do not fret though! Create a new website. Google is looking to make money and they want to give their account access to websites they feel will generate a profitable return. It is also important to note that Google can track viewer traffic. If they find that ad clicks are being generating by the same website too often or the activity seems suspicious, i.e. you cannot click the ads on your own page your account will be closed. If this happens to you, getting your account access back can be close to impossible. Google does not tolerate the misuse of their program. Though it is a money making endeavor for both parties, the user and Google, it is still a privilege they are offering you, so be sure to respect their policies.